My Daughter

My Daughter

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Like I Said!

About 3 days ago I had gave my little girl a bath and got her ready to go out like any normal day. I got her dressed in some new clothes and a new little jacket her Nana had bought her a couple months back, Put her in her car seat and carried her out to the car Nothing different. Then we got to my Cousins Donna's house, took her in and took the jacket off of her, feed Kayleigh her bottle. well by the time she had drunk the bottle she had big red places on her face and arms it almost looked like a Mosquito bite. Then more of them came up and more. So by this time I'm freaking out, wanting to cry Didn't know what to do! So I called the Doctor and they said it could be from the Jacket seeing as it is 100% Acrylic. So I made sure to take it off of her and change her clothes everything. So then it disappeared, I'm like thank god ya know lol... But then about an hour, hour & half later They start up again. So this time I call the doctor back and I'm like It keeps going away and coming back up. Seeing as she is to little to take Benadrly, They said take her to the ER. So my husband & I get ready and took her Sit there for 3 hours to see our little girl poked 3 times in the arm to attempt to get blood and then once in the foot, Then they tell us they don't know what it is to take her home watch her and take her to the family doctor in the morning. So I'm really mad at this point because like any mommy would be it just seems like a bunch of none since. So we go home feed her and put her in the bed (Usually my little girl Sleeps though the night like 11 P.m till 10:30 A.m or 11 A.m) well about 3:30 A.m she wakes up and she is worse than any of the times before!.. My husband and I talked about it and we said we would wait until in the morning to try and do anything. I get up and she is clear Completely nothing on her body, I went a head called and made a apt. anyways just to make sure everything was fine. Well she got up around 12:00 P.m... and my mother fed her a bottle and it wasn't 10 min. after words she was so bad I didn't know what to do I was asking myself is it hurting her what if it itches I mean like 100 different things were running through my mind. So 2:00 P.m rolls around and its her doctor apt. I took a couple photos on my cell phone before the last break out went away just in case it went away before we got there. So we get in and shes clear exp. for a couple little spots. So my little girl has a birth mark on her left upper thigh. The doctor told me something every mommy should know Some birth marks if scratched can make you or your little one break out in Hives. Well she scratched it and nothing happened, So we went through questions felt like a million of them then the doctor looked into her throat and seen she had it breaking out in her neck. The only thing that would have been causing that is something she was eating or drinking so about a month ago We changed her Formula (It never really dawned on me because well a month and then this happens) So the doctor explained it to me, When a baby is eating Her/His bottle it runs though them so fast it takes time for them to collect enough in their system in order for it to show up an allergic reaction to it. So Kayleigh's took a month to come up. So 3 days later and she's sitting here in her swing playing with her 10 little toes, Smiling and cooing.

Things you should know:

  • Benadryl Giving to a child at 4 months old can Give them all sorts of Upper Respiratory Diseases When they get a little older so it's better for them to not take it!

  • The Milk she was allergic to was Good Start: Soy (in the blue Can) Now she is on Similac Alimentum: For Hypoallergenic, & Colic Babies (Purple Can)

  • If you take your infant to the ER they do not have to take blood out of the arm! They can do a little finger poke on their heel and that be done!

  • The doctor said she could have break outs for up to a month after switching her formula simply because it takes that long for it to completely get out of her system.

  • Hives are a serious condition but you do not have to take you child to the doctor or ER. Unless They have a fever, Breathing Odd, The Break outs come and go constantly.

  • Things you can buy from your Local drug store for a tiny baby to use since they're to little for actual medication.

  • Calamine Lotion It's usually used for chicken pox or poison oak

  • Do Cold compresses

  • Cool or Luke warm baths Not Hot ones!

  • Get Pedialyte Because with hives your little one can Dehydrate with out you even realising it!

I really hope this helps all you moms out there!!!

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